Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tingkat Kerusakan Ekonomi Hama Kepik Coklat pada Kedelai

Arifin, M. dan W. Tengkano. 2008. Tingkat kerusakan ekonomi hama kepik coklat pada kedelai. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. 27(1): 47-54.

Muhammad Arifin1 dan Wedanimbi Tengkano2
1 Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi 
dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian, Bogor
2 Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian, Malang

ABSTRACT.  Economic Injury Level for The Bean Bug, Riptortus linearis (L.) on Soybean. Decision-making of pest control based on the economic injury level (ElL) was a judicious step to suppress a high risk of the expensive production cost and environmental disturbance. This experiment was conducted to determine the EIL value for the bean bug as a criterion for decision making of pest control using insecticides. The EIL value was determined by the break-even point principle of the pest control, i.e., a balance between the yield loss due to pest control action and cost of the pest control. The results indicated that soybean yield losses due to the bean bug at different bean bug stadia and plant growth stages could be expressed in a linier regression model: y = - 0.007 + 1.746 x (y= yield loss (%); x= bean bug population (bugs/10 hills). At a population range of 0 to 8 bean bugs/10 hills, the higher the population, the higher the yield loss. The EIL value for the bean bug at different bean bug stadia and plant growth stages were expressed in a multiple regression equation: y = 2.328 + 0.008 x1 - 0.717 x2 [y= the EIL value (bugs/10 hills); x1= cost of the
pest control (x Rp 1,000/ha); x2= soybean price (x Rp 1,000/kg). If the cost to control the pest at different plant growth stages was Rp 240,000/ha and the soybean price was Rp 3,000/kg, then the EIL value for the bean bug was 2.1 bugs/10 hills.
Keywords: Bean bug, soybean, economic injury level